The area became a small town in its own right during and after the building of the Taj.
She'd been a member of the office force which was needed during the building of the city.
During the building works, the old buildings will be demolished as so normal classes can continue.
Already, there have been five mysterious deaths during the building of this ship.
He knew a workman had been killed during the building of the ship.
It is estimated that more than 6,000 workers died during the building of Valentin.
Bodies were discovered during the recent building of a road linking a car park.
Some have been destroyed during the building of the new stone church and by the people living there today.
During the building of the new republic, American women were able to gain a limited political voice in what is known as republican motherhood.
The western side of the settlements would not be enclosed during the initial building, expected to take about six months.