News & Views' is an informal newsletter published during the term for staff and students of the University.
During pioneering students must build a shelter, toilet, chapel and other things required to live comfortably in the bush, out of only rope and wooden poles.
During academic hearings, the students are joined by the dean of the college and three faculty members, and during social hearings, by four randomly selected students.
The grounds are open to the public during daylight hours and students at the University frequent the hills for cross country practice runs.
During students senior year they will begin taking masters level courses and graduate with their bachelors degree at the end of their senior year.
The club does many things to show school spirit including boys painting their chests during games and students chanting encouragement to the players.
Classes during Jan Term range from Shakespeare to Star Trek, and students have the option to travel abroad for their January class.
During students free periods, they would be offered a multitude of special programs to do for class credit.
School based assessment system is introduced in during this stage and students undergo evaluation on a weekly basis apart from term exam.
During J-term students take one class for the entire month of January which counts as a normal 4-credit class one would take during a semester.