Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity or emotional stress.
Attacks last from seconds to minutes and are known to be at higher risk of occurring during stress, fear, cold, heat, or menstruation.
Symptoms may be worse during stress or emotional upset.
Since the fermentation process is an evolutionary back up, turned on during stress, the cells would die after a few days.
Can happen normally during stress or embarrassment for women of all ages.
"This is the first study to show that walnuts and walnut oil reduce blood pressure during stress," West says.
However, during high stress, a natural intelligence not only makes no difference, but it may also have a negative effect.
Somehow, Key is able to become an extremely powerful human for short period of time during extreme emotional stress.
It was noted that during nutritional stress, old adults died in more numbers, of which most were males.
Clinical depression and regulation of the inflammatory response during acute stress.