The scars tend to spread as they heal, so outcome design is usually simple, the details being lost during healing.
During healing, a scab may accidentally get rubbed off, which causes the wound to start bleeding again.
Inflammation is very common, during and after healing, although careful healing can minimize this.
Metal pins, screws, staples, or plates may be used to stabilize bone during healing.
Modern technology has specialized plating systems to hold the bone steady during healing.
Splinting or casting is usually used after surgery to keep the foot in the correct position during healing.
The titanium instrumentation holds everything in place during healing and is not necessary once fusion completes.
While Burnworth's method certainly heals quicker, it also produces a dramatic increase in surface temperature during healing.
It is virtually inevitable that implants will shift during healing.
Early techniques had a high number of complications, particularly during healing, and often resulted in a failure to achieve the goal of the surgery.