As the stakes have increased, so have the opportunities to uncover potentially damning evidence of duplicitous behavior or hidden assets.
Mr. Seymour accused Canada last month of "duplicitous behavior" designed to block the prosecution of Mr. Deaver.
He alienated both Coward and Terence Rattigan with his arrogant and sometimes duplicitous behaviour.
As one of the top oil producers, Iraq was an excellent counterweight that the United States used to motivate the Saudis, whose duplicitous behavior has been revealed.
In court papers earlier this week, Mr. Seymour accused the Canadian Government of "duplicitous behavior" intended to block the prosecution of Mr. Deaver on perjury charges related to Canada.
They are like Jews who put other Jews into the ovens. . . . Their duplicitous, devious, harmful behavior ought to be exposed.
The following year, Spy ran an article entitled "Clinton's First 100 Lies", detailing what it described as the new president's pattern of duplicitous behavior.
I'm using talk shows as a metaphor for the duplicitous behavior that we all have in our lives.
They sold the rights to the deposit cheaply to E A Cade because of British government's duplicitous behaviour.
Ms. Malcolm tells us that other writers were aware of Mr. McGinniss's duplicitous behavior toward a subject who had faith in him.