At least one critic has accused him of engaging in short and distort, a form of securities fraud which is a reversal of a pump and dump scheme.
The plaintiff, Anthony Wilko, alleged that he had been the victim of a pump and dump scheme perpetrated by his broker and a corporate executive.
LEAD: Joseph Mocco, the former township clerk of North Bergen, and four other defendants received prison sentences today for an illegal garbage dumping scheme in the Meadowlands.
Sykes later criticized Justin Bieber and his involvement in a similar pump and dump scheme involving Bieber's partnership with Options Media Group in 2011.
This is referred to as a pump and dump scheme.
The operation was an investigation into city government corruption, and it went after politicians who took money in an illegal garbage dumping scheme.
After cooperating with the FBI, he served twenty-two months in federal prison for a pump and dump scheme, which resulted in investor losses of approximately $200 million.
E-mail spam occasionally uses Bcc: to create fake accidental leaks of confidential information, e.g. in a variant of the pump and dump scheme.
Robinson entered politics in the late 1940s when he led the opposition to a sewage dumping scheme that would have discharged untreated effluent into the Hauraki Gulf.
One of them, Operation Silver Shovel, is targeted at those who took money for an illegal garbage dumping scheme.