The ocean doesn't have a chance to cleanse itself if we continue to dump in it raw sewage, medical debris, and trash.
The bribes centered on city contracts for hauling construction debris; Christopher paid officials to allow him to dump debris in illegal areas.
What if this planet had been settled before they started dumping societal debris on it?
The officials said the ranch operators had let construction companies dump debris there illegally.
The hauler had pleaded guilty a month earlier to violating zoning codes, including using warehouses without village permission and dumping debris in an open area.
She moved into the kitchen and dug into the big black plastic bag where we had dumped all the broken glass and debris the night before.
The rocket, however, failed not too long after liftoff, dumping debris and its payload into the Sea of Okhotsk.
He charged $12 a yard to dump debris at his place; some competitors charged only $9.
Trucks are coming and going all day, dumping debris on a barge that sits out there about 100 yards from the school.
The noise created by the trucks dumping debris on the street near the school and by the cranes loading it onto the barges is considerable.