She was a benign, prudish autocrat who knew what was right, whether it was forbidding children to come to school until their mothers had cleaned their kitchens, or dumping barrels of "hooch" so village women would not be tempted by demon drink.
And in London, they dumped barrels of industrial effluent at the Environment Department.
While unable to locate the dolphin, they do witness Dirk Moran and his men dumping barrels filled with toxic waste into the water.
By dumping barrels of cyanide over the reefs, the fishermen are able to stun the fish without killing them, bundle them into glass containers and dispatch them to Hong Kong or Tokyo at enormous profit.
Unknown to Jack, his brother, an underachiever named Harris, is being paid to dump barrels of this toxic "spumoni" secretly into farmland.
Peril to Drinking Water County officials say that more often than not, illegally dumped barrels of toxic wastes, from acetone to cyanide, wind up abandoned along highways and in vacant lots and buildings, endangering the public and the fragile underground water reserves that are the sole source of drinking water on Long Island.
The taste and standards of quality often varied widely, and in 1838, consumers dumped whole barrels to show their dissatisfaction.
Guards patrolled it, ready to dump barrels of acid contempt on those who approached.
They'd attempted to stop the invasion by dumping barrels of crude oil around the mill, the workers flailing away with sugar cane stalks, splashing insect blood all over the mill.
A machine very like a concrete mixer was rolled up beside the steel vessel, and into its capacious maw were dumped boxes and barrels of dry ingredients and many cans of sparkling liquid.