It crossed the island and then re-curved over southern Cuba, likely dumping large amounts of rain.
Into the ditch was dumped large amounts of rubble, gravel and stone, whatever fill was available.
You could dump huge amounts of toxins into the Harbor and poison it.
Most thunderstorms dump vast amounts of rain for a few minutes and pass on.
"They generate intense heat with dangerous chemicals in the smoke, and you can dump huge amounts of water on them without making any headway."
Despite this, the blizzard continued producing powerful winds, and dumping large amounts of snow and ice.
Nuclear disasters over fifty years ago dumped unbelievable amounts of radioactivity into the lake.
The suit charged the company with dumping "mind-boggling" amounts of waste in the waterways.
The cool, gray spring that dumped biblical amounts of rain has finally yielded.
The authorities then dump massive amounts of water from helicopters on it to form a crust.