"Let's synchronize our watches, as all those dumb movies say," said Scofield.
You're just watching dumb movies which you seen a hundred times already.
Sitting there all alone, Peter remembered a dumb movie he'd seen once.
"Clouds" is about the dumbest intelligent movie I've ever seen.
"I found that Mark wasn't just this character trying to make a dumb movie," he said.
Yeah, it's a dumb movie, but so what?
Terminator 2 is possibly the best action sci-fi adrenaline dumb movie ever.
But after sitting through it twice, I must report that the stronger case is that it's just a really dumb movie.
They make those dumb movies where everybody's talking and nobody knows what they're saying because they got gefilte fish in their mouths!
They left, avoiding the wrath of their mother, who was watching some dumb movie with their dad in the parlor.