As a duly ratified treaty, it had, and still has, under our Constitution the force of the supreme law of the land.
Until an Election Ordinance is duly ratified, the Election Commission shall use those regulations developed for the first election.
This decision was duly ratified at SC 34's September 2008 meeting on Jeju Island, Korea.
Whenever a broad consensus emerges on these unresolved issues, appropriate language can be added to the constitution through duly ratified amendments.
Since Hamilton's forces in Congress outnumbered ours, the treaty was duly ratified.
To this the home authorities demurred, but the engagement was duly ratified, and the subsidy was largely increased by Dalhousies successors.
December 13 - 14, 1911: all statutes and regulations are finalized and duly ratified in Rome.
With regard to Estonia, the border treaty was signed in May and was duly ratified by the Estonian Parliament.
We should acknowledge that the Lisbon Treaty was duly ratified by all Member States and start the establishment of the institutions on that basis.
Sixth, a duly ratified treaty then serves as a vaccine against further progress - that is, logical second steps are not taken.