Quelch was duly nominated as the candidate of the Social Democratic Federation (SDF).
The same for presidents: Mr. Mubarak, duly nominated every six years by his party for another term, has been re-elected four times without opposition, the last time in 1999.
White was intending to defend his seat again at the 1923 general election and he was duly nominated as a candidate but he died just before the election took place.
He, too, finished second (behind another uncommitted slate); he, too, was duly nominated, and he won the presidency.
The majority of insurance companies will not disclose any information or discuss an insured party's account with any agent other than the duly nominated agent of record.
Judge Alton B. Parker was duly nominated, after receiving six hundred fifty-eight votes.
He suggested Gebhard, who was duly nominated in September 1054.
On December 16, 2007, Bukovsky was duly nominated as a presidential candidate by 823 members of a voters' assembly in Moscow (the law required at least 500 people or a nomination).
When any person is thus duly nominated I never before knew the people to reject it.
The duly nominated, approved, confirmed, and installed fellow has the right to carry the letters FBSE.