An election was duly held after six months.
Nabuka announced on 11 February 2006 that he would be retiring from politics in parliamentary election, which was duly held on 6-13 May.
A referendum was duly held on 5 June 1975, and the proposition to continue membership was passed with a substantial majority.
The meeting at the boathouse was duly held.
The service was duly held, and afterwards the Britishers present were asked to give a choral item.
The general election was duly held on November 1, delayed by the death and funeral of King Alexander.
The elections were duly held in May 1950 with more than 2,000 candidates standing for 200 positions.
The elections were duly held in October 2002 as ordered and the Constitution was revived.
Elections were duly held in 2002 for a 40-member parliament, the Council of Deputies.
These were duly held everywhere except Tunstall, where the council refused to participate.