Initially played in the island's schools, it proved hugely popular and a number of clubs were duly formed.
Norton Villiers Triumph was duly formed and the new company got off to a shaky start.
This was duly formed in 1890 as the Isles of Scilly Rural District.
It is said that he advised that the centre should be incorporated, and a company ('C.M.C.') was duly formed on 29 April 1983.
Lord Castleton's Regiment of Foot was duly formed, and in 1691 travelled to Flanders.
The Plan then enters its endgame: the duly formed planetary government imposes a tax rate of 1000%.
The new Army Group Vistula was duly formed from an assortment of rebuilt, new and existing units.
Sir Richard Atkins's Regiment of Foot was duly formed.
On 14 April 1920 CULC was duly formed.
The corporation, now duly formed, set about its first task of finding a suitable schoolhouse.