The plot failed and Cambridge was duly executed in August 1415 .
Flanagan was tried, found guilty and duly executed in 1893.
And see below as to the new practice whereby a Form 53 duly executed by a building society may be available on completion.
This section authorizes the President to use whatever force necessary to suppress such insurrections, "and to cause the said laws or process to be duly executed".
Both were duly executed in the summer of 1535.
Harris was duly executed, being pronounced dead at 6.21 a.m. local time, six hours after the scheduled time of the execution.
Theiddat was duly executed by Razadarit for his warning.
The testator made a valid will duly executed with the assistance of solicitors in 1978.
The appeal was rejected and the man was duly executed.
There was a strangely triumphant look in Mrs. Crawford's eyes as she took the document after it had been duly executed.