The difficulty of obtaining really accurate readings where thermometers are being quickly transported through varying temperatures is generally not duly appreciated.
Duly appreciated for his professional competence, in 1907 Jatin was "sent to Darjeeling on some special work," for a period of three years.
His excellence is now acknowledged; but, even while admitted, not duly appreciated.
Besides, sporting achievements are duly appreciated through special facilities offered to deserving players.
In this he was supported by Nancy - his wife and friend, whose role will, I am sure, be duly appreciated.
When either of them made a brief remark it was duly appreciated and understood by the other.
"I've found myself a new field where my abilities are duly appreciated and rewarded."
Attention paid him will be duly appreciated by the country he has served so faithfully and efficiently.
Official controls are in the safe hands of veterinarians here and I hope they are duly appreciated, even by the consumer.
That to biographical writings we are indebted for the greatest and best field in which to study mankind, or human nature, is a fact duly appreciated by a well-informed community.