They fall into an easy way of seeing "Roots" as educational, which makes it sound dated and dull.
You might be tempted to consider it a dull way to end a game when the bases are loaded.
Owning things is a fairly dull way to live your life.
It was curious about him, in its dull way.
In a dull way, being in a car with them was kind of interesting.
"So let's try it the dull old-fashioned way," she said.
A most dull and unimaginative way to proceed, but I fear you may be right.
He made his money from canned food and insurance; that's a dull way to make a billion, so he needs a little fun.
- it takes the dull way out of a potentially lively crisis.
The second day continued in the same dull way, or perhaps worse as only three boundaries were hit between the two sides.