"They see very strong, dug-in positions," General Musharraf said.
The Rangers, having relied on tight interlocking crossfire and well dug-in positions, suffered only 10 wounded in the battle.
Mr. Barnett recalls that their unit did a lot of shooting at dug-in positions.
The last thing the Army wants, the military planner said, is to attack the Republican Guard units while they are in dug-in defensive positions.
They were in dug-in positions, fortified with sandbags.
My own options were constrained by the dug-in positions I found when I took office.
If the latter, better for us that his army abandons dug-in defensive positions; we have the ground forces in place to win.
The terrain was open and rolling, and over six weeks the 3d Battalion prepared dug-in positions that possessed good fields of fire.
Now the British firing increased, mixed with the boom of cannon from their dug-in positions.
Two more counter-attacks against the dug-in Soviet positions failed, as the situation became more serious.