It is a voluntary organization that is supported entirely by a voluntary dues structure.
Three months later, PEF successfully lobbied the state legislature to provide for permanent collection of union dues and a "fair share" provision in the dues structure.
Each state association is an independent organization with its own membership, dues structure, officers, budgets and staff, but having representation and voting powers within the federation.
Uniform membership requirements and a common dues structure for its affiliates were adopted by the NCC in April 1967.
"To do what we do without the licensing revenues," said Fehr, "would require a drastically different dues structure."
The text must be corrected, however, in regard to the dues structure.
Like a number of other associations, the National Soft Drink Association has also changed its dues structure, removing caps and charging according to sales volume.
"We re-evaluated our dues structure at that time and we asked 78 of our largest members to increase their support," he said.
"Now that the wineries are not going to be paying into the commission, we'll revise our dues structure" to cover the shortfall in revenues, he said.
The dues structure for local chapters is also revised to reflect a commitment to the organization by individual members, rather that a lump-sum from the entire school.