Mercury vapor lamps are becoming obsolete due to the higher efficiency and better color balance of metal halide lamps.
The scheme is widely used due to the efficiency with which it relaxes a system to some target (bath) temperature.
Cost and capacity were much more favorable on a PC due to the efficiency of hard disk drives.
Due to the limited amount of arable land and the overwhelming efficiency of mechanised farming, the increased population could not be dedicated to agriculture.
Due to the relatively low efficiency, thermoelectric cooling is generally only used in environments where the solid state nature outweighs the poor efficiency.
Slower charging - due to the lower efficiency, devices can take longer to charge when supplied power is equal.
Soon, boilers all over the country began using pulverized coal, due to the greater efficiency of the process.
Due to the extreme efficiency of this mechanism, the liver can store three to five years worth of vitamin B under normal conditions and functioning.
Due to the low efficiency they cannot be used in continuous power transmission applications.
Due to the efficiency of the scheme another penstock pipe was added in 1919.