Due to procedural rules, this vote which was to be held May 3 was postponed.
Although Douglas enjoyed his job, his wife was unable to obtain a job at the university due to anti-nepotism rules.
Due to certain phase-in rules, the rate 28% was lowered to 20% in the top capital gains.
The company was required to divest American Airlines in 1934 due to new rules for air mail contracts.
For them the key to societal continuity is conformity due to learnt rules of conduct.
Due to rules of the championship series, the win in the second game allowed Massillon to claim the Ohio championship.
However, due to rules requiring three years of residency, she was unable to gain German citizenship immediately.
However, this contest was cancelled due to local rules, which prohibit the organization of fights one hour before midnight.
Industry representatives told our Committee that potential beneficiaries are losing out on compensation measures due to overly stringent Commission deadlines and rules.
Unfortunately, in such a case, transferring money between funds is impossible, due to different rules.