Due to his military training, Balboa is a skilled pilot and combatant.
Also referred to as prostitutes due to their specified training, high cost, and often "whiny" demeanor.
Michael then agrees, and takes up the position of a high-ranking agent due to his military training.
Due to a jockey's vocal training, there is often opportunity for a jockey to expand their career.
She is also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant due to her training.
He did some work in film and television composition due to his training in the field.
"What a colorful way you have of phrasing things, no doubt due to your journalistic training."
Collins is of the Methodist faith and due to his geological training strongly opposed to creationism.
He rapidly became a well-known coach, due to his training methods that made the skaters learn jumps very quickly.
However, due to his training in martial arts, Cyclops was able to defeat the three inmates.