Detained two times under the terror due to his ties with the Hébertists, he died, in misery, of tuberculosis.
Due to his strong ties to the labor movement, he found himself blacklisted in the era of McCarthyism.
He was losing too much support due to his ties with the Hudson's Bay Company.
He was spared execution due to his family's close ties to the Spanish crown.
The state seemed at relative calm compared to the rest of the country due to its close ties to the United States until 1841.
Quinn was able to survive in this district in large part due to his close ties to organized labor, something not common with most Republicans.
However, the Miami area was reportedly considered for the next event due to its international ties, facilities, airports and experience of hosting previous major events.
Few felt he was a threat due to his ties with the EU and the west.
Strange had summoned Juggernaut due to his ties to Cyttorak.
He was a very important regional official for the Ottoman forces due to his ties with the aristocracy in Belgrade.