In some cases vice presidents are given titles due to their specific responsibilities, for example: Vice President of Operations, Finance, etc.
Due to his ministerial responsibilities, Marjolin was particularly involved with the Marshall Plan for assistance to Europe.
Role strain tends to be more severe for later middle age caregivers due to their many responsibilities with family and work.
He also traveled widely, due to his responsibilities as head of the Order.
However, due to his responsibilities in Gotham he acts as a part-time member of the new JLA.
It was early November, and due to my responsibilities at the Law Review, my classes seemed particularly challenging.
In "New Guy," she ends her relationship with Hal due to his responsibilities as a Green Lantern.
Blakeslee continues to serve as president of the company, although he has reduced his involvement due to his responsibilities as a legislator.
Secondly, my thoughts are also with those of my fellow Members who are more directly involved, due to their responsibilities in the region.
Due to its responsibilities the Colombian National Army Aviation operates the biggest helicopter inventory in Colombia.