Hundreds of elementary schools and several dozen high schools were opened in the region within a year due to Kit's direct participation.
He studied law at Nihon University, but was expelled from the school due to his participation in radical politics.
Worse yet, due to their deliberate or unknowing participation in the scams, these individuals may face criminal charges.
The trio enjoyed much popularity due to their participation in a TV program.
Rantzau became especially notable due to his participation in the Count's Feud from 1534-1536.
The tie was moved up due to the two club's participation in African competition.
The Cuban people also became healthier due to their participation in sporting related activities, especially those that promoted physical education.
They were held without trial for eight years due to their participation in a 1960 coup.
In 1993, over 150 students were suspended due to their participation in a marching protest.
This two teams, due to their participation in Euroleague, will play only eleven games, all of them away.