Due to my sexual orientation my co-workers rallied to have me demoted so that I was not in charge of them.
He was often made fun of as a small child, and was bullied in high school due to his sexual orientation.
One sector favoured supporting the government, due to its pan-Arab orientation in foreign policy.
LGBT people are often arrested or charged due to their sexual orientation.
Due to its unusual orientation, Ohio Street Beach serves as an ideal training site for open water swimming.
At the same time, however, due to its orientation, it does not grant admission to the corresponding M.Sc.
Some school have a second language requirement due to their global orientation.
It also protects them from being harassed by a work colleague due to their sexual orientation.
Due to the university's international orientation, all study programs are conducted entirely in English.
During the following years, political unrest increased throughout Vietnam; due to the system's nationalist political orientation, the art came under suppression.