In the comics, his career is usually expected to have something relating to food, due to his love for it.
Still, she is the chubbiest of the sisters due to her love for food and cooking.
She later transitioned to professional wrestling due to her love for contact sports.
Bernie is found there due to his love of reading.
But due to Devayani's love for him, her father brought him back to life every time he was killed.
She is to be very knowledgeable about the traits and behaviors of various animals, due to her vast love for them.
From an early age she was interested in music due to her father's love of jazz.
Throughout his life he was known as the "clerk" due to his love of knowledge and research.
Nagasumi's father is always shown as an object of suffering, due to his wife's dying love for him.
In her high school years, she did not leave the dark room due to her love of black-and-white photography.