Seems like Mason has jumped to the wrong conclusion due to his own personal beliefs.
Catholic schools are preferred in the Philippines due to their religious beliefs.
He was summarily fired by the college president after just two days on the job due to his political beliefs, however.
Hart was expelled from the assembly due to his religious beliefs.
Lillian Berlin has attracted controversy due to his political beliefs and writing.
Hentunen had been imprisoned and under house arrest during the war years due to his political beliefs.
The first chief justice was John Jay, who resigned after a short time due to his belief that the job would never amount to anything.
Due to their belief in function over form, it is likely that you would rarely see two identical or standardized ships.
Due to his visionary religious beliefs, he opposed the Newtonian view of the universe.
Due to her mother's bizarre religious beliefs, she didn't even know what a period was, and believes she is bleeding to death.