Joey, who was a minister at the time, then married Jen Rappaport, but the marriage did not last due to her affair with former husband Rex Balsom.
Later, Robin learns Bree has had trouble connecting with Orson due to her recent affair.
It is revealed that Frank is possibly Charlie's long-lost father, due to Frank's affair with Charlie's mom 30 years before.
Clark also claimed that Abdul gave him preferential treatment on the show due to their affair.
Crunt disbanded around the same time Bjelland and Gray filed for divorce in 1995 due to Gray's affair with Kristen Pfaff the year before.
The pair briefly split up, due to Grant Bovey's extramaritial affair, however they reconciled late 2012.
Phillips was fired by ESPN four days later due to his affair.
The once golden Hollywood duo formerly known as "America's Sweethearts" is now split, due to Gwen's affair which has caused Eddie to have a nervous breakdown.
Questions are raised about whether Brian is Sarah's father due to Gail's affair with Brian's cousin.