Waldau's manusripts, papers, and letters at Tscheidt must be considered lost due to acts of war, 1945.
The German Army lost thousands of trains during the war due to acts of sabotage.
Robert Jobe, a paramedic, filed a wrongful termination suit alleging he was improperly fired due to unspecified acts of discrimination.
February 17, 2011, 3,000 demonstrators clashed with police in Diyarbakir, 46 of which were arrested due to acts of violence.
This contingency includes loss or damage due to vandalism or acts of malicious persons.
He attended the University of Miami but dropped out after one year due to poor grades and acts of disobedience in school.
Later in August at least a further 20,000 people were the subject of deportation by way of forcible displacement due to crimes and inhumane acts.
Intersections with other roads are few, which can be problematic in the event of road closures due to acts of nature such as landslides and fires.
Travel to high risk countries (e.g. due to war, natural disasters or acts of terrorism)
Due to terrorist acts conducted in cities by guerrilla groups, the Colombian Army needed a specially trained unit to deal with this threat.