The album was originally meant to be released on May 8, 2006, however it was postponed due to a breach of contract.
Due to a breach in security, information and documents were leaked in advance of the launch.
The video was also removed from the Dailymotion site due to a "breach of the terms of use" according to a message on the site.
It later became clear that Graham had been transfer listed, fined two weeks wages and sent to Torquay due to a 'serious breach of club discipline'.
Diawara was dropped from the Senegal squad in August 2006, ahead of their friendly with Côte d'Ivoire, due to a breach of discipline.
Forest Green Rovers was later reprieved following the demotion of Salisbury City due to a breach of Conference rules.
Note: A 5 point penalty was imposed on Nick Percat at Round 4 due to a breach of the Sporting Regulations.
On 19 May 2010 the club was demoted to the Southern League Premier Division due to a breach of Conference rules.
Due to a disciplinary breach he was expelled in his final year in 1886, which caused him to continue his military career in the Imperial Russian Army.
The October 2001 literacy test was postponed until February 2002 due to a breach of security.