Everyone of those who spread the lie shall have his share of due punishment.
Then did the unbelievers meet their due punishment.
(i) as a due punishment for those who had killed a large number of Muslims, and had driven out many others from their homes.
But an Iraqi newspaper applauded the attack, calling it due punishment for America's crimes.
Lettie, on the other hand, despite her disruptive and actual criminal behavior, rarely receives due punishment.
Heroic Thérèse, standing up straight to make her confession with shining eyes, await due punishment.
Peyt came off second best and he'll feel the sharp edge of my tongue as well as due punishment.
It is the same today; neither we nor our friends or loved ones can cleanse us by any means from sin or its due punishment.
Shakespeare's audience would have said that it was part of Henry's due punishment for deposing and murdering a rightful king.
Another score against Radu, for which due punishment would have to be administered.