It is a mockumentary or "artificial documentary", featuring images of the British seaside and voiceovers of endless dubious statistics.
But that claim was based on dubious statistics and a poverty line set at the harsh level of $72 per year.
In a world of dubious economic statistics, changes in the official reserves must rate as one of the most unreliable indicators.
Then, with the public predisposed to believe the worst, some dubious statistics were released, purporting to show a growing population of hungry and malnourished Israelis.
The remark showed his impatient disdain for the political manipulation of dubious statistics.
That just isn't so, for reasons of both dubious statistics and benign intent.
If nothing else, the post-Hussein struggle for prevalence is a battle of dubious statistics.
Spinning of dubious statistics.
All we get is endless reference to one rather unimportant play, and in Toube's case some rather dubious statistics about anti-semitism.
Speed is not killing, despite dubious statistics generated by certain insurance industry trade groups.