Deer-infested communities have spent years trying any number of approaches to keep them at bay, like recreational hunting and birth control, with dubious results.
This domino method of criminal justice has been repeated elsewhere with dubious results.
There is no research to suggest these dubious results will ever be effective other than as a means of self-distraction.
On the face of it, it seems an impossible task that would only give puerile and dubious results.
But attempts to stretch the metaphor have led to dubious results.
She used olive oil not only for frying but also for baking, with dubious results.
"Wall Streeters were basically people who charged big fees to produce dubious results on deals," the adviser said.
We are spending hundreds of billions in Iraq with dubious results.
He also became angry, although one outburst had dubious results.
Instead of reducing taxes, money is spent on all sorts of training programmes with dubious results.