The posters would be of a rather dubious nature.
Well known for being of a dubious nature.
He said their actions showed the dubious nature of the recantation.
As no doubt you have gathered, the company was just a front for some people of dubious nature.
Considering the dubious nature of my beginning, we had built ourselves quite a reputation over the last few years.
And you are not engaged in an undertaking of a dubious nature.
"But if such robes are of so dubious a nature how can reliance be placed on any one?"
He might, however, leave us there long enough to realize fully the dubious nature of our reception.
They had to be government agents, for no one else would bother to wear business clothes while engaged upon activities of such a dubious nature.
The whistle-blower also said the company had paid to have research articles prepared claiming benefits of a dubious nature.