The hare was not found until 1982, in what later emerged as dubious circumstances.
In January 2011, 50 birds died under dubious circumstances in the park within a month.
It may well suggest that the margin of his victory depended on votes cast in dubious circumstances.
Under (a) it is without doubt that the Palestinian people have suffered a great deal with the outcome of death for many under dubious circumstances.
Contracts and licences won in dubious circumstances are far more likely to be torn up in future years.
In the worst instances, marines and soldiers ended up killing youngsters under dubious circumstances.
Peltier has now been kept in prison for 23 years under exceedingly dubious circumstances.
The agreed password, to let someone onto the scout in dubious circumstances.
On December 30, 1987 Ochoa was released from prison under dubious legal circumstances.
Because twenty-five seats were uncontested under dubious circumstances, it has been difficult to determine what the actual support for the party was in the country.