TV's binge of dubious accounting occurred on his watch.
Bulls on MicroStrategy think the company can flourish without dubious accounting.
Some critics have argued that Andersen was reluctant to challenge Enron on its dubious accounting for fear of losing consulting business.
TV remains unclear, but the company appears to have suffered from dubious accounting and overly ambitious acquisitions.
With such a letter, a company can put pressure on its own auditor to sign off on dubious accounting.
The plan is also said to involve more spending cuts, a stretchout in debt reduction and some dubious accounting.
It also employed dubious accounting, which inflated its revenues and profits.
The post-Enron world has given rise to a hot new legal specialty: the defense of companies accused of dubious accounting and worse.
Under the weight of bad investments, mountainous debts, and worries over dubious accounting, the company's stock has.
In fact, he was running an elaborate fraud involving dubious accounting and forged assets.