Unfortunately, 1974 also saw Sutherland's most dubious accomplishment in leading the American League in Outs with 489.
This would be the Rams' only victory of the season, preventing them from duplicating the Lions dubious accomplishment of the previous season.
Today, constructing the world's tallest building is a dubious accomplishment, like making the world's longest salami.
But it will be a dubious accomplishment for Buffalo if they make the Super Bowl and lose their fourth straight.
They write the list, they leave it where a man of dubious professional accomplishments, a man of dubious loyalty and dubious value, will see it.
This dubious accomplishment impressed Soong no end, but left Picard feeling even more apprehensive.
Among the most dubious accomplishments of "Heaven Can Wait" is its transformation of fatality into a matter of degree.
Relying largely on anecdotes about espionage flops, some of which sound too bad to be true, he finds that boasts by former operatives have cloaked dubious accomplishments.
"But if the cost is air we can't breathe or that we've paved over the whole country, it's a rather dubious accomplishment."
What a dubious accomplishment to make the self-possessed Kevin Kline, a presenter, appear helpless.