Export of dual-use chemicals to Libya has been stopped, but the Bundestag has yet to pass a strong export control law.
There are also various controls on the sale of dual-use chemicals to Communist nations and to South Africa.
- Discourage weak or extraneous controls on software related to dual-use chemical and biological equipment.
In 2002 and 2005, China promulgated updated regulations on dual-use chemical and biological agents and equipment, thereby controlling all the major items on the Australia Group's control list.
Many so-called dual-use chemicals, such as cyanide, are classified as chemical warfare agents but are omnipresent and indispensable to many industrial processes.
Washington still has concerns about China's exports of dual-use chemicals and missile technology.
- Provide comments to AG members on Finland's proposal concerning software related to dual-use chemical and biological equipment.
In later inquiries, it was discovered that China sold Iran precursor and dual-use chemicals and the technology and equipment needed to use them.
The OPCW, using member votes, creates Schedules of chemical weapons or dual-use chemicals of concern and white phosphorus is not in any of these schedules.
"They are dual-use chemicals," a department spokesman said today, "and the export was approved only after it was clear that the use at the other end was not for military purposes."