A dual-layer disc differs from its usual DVD counterpart by employing a second physical layer within the disc itself.
Pioneer's burner, like Plextor's, can accommodate dual-layer discs, and rips and burns data at a comparable rate.
When a dual-layer disc needs to switch to the next layer of information, a pause usually occurs, sometimes in the middle of a film scene.
Metroid Prime: Trilogy uses a dual-layer disc to allow all three games to fit on a single disc due to the size of the game data.
Brawl uses a dual-layer disc due to the size of the game data.
Other M uses a dual-layer disc due to extensive usage of cinematics in the game.
A Blu-ray DVD can store up to 25 gigabytes on a single layer and 50 gigabytes on a dual-layer disc.
Brawl, Nintendo has admitted that some Wii systems may have trouble reading dual-layer discs due to a dirty laser lens.
Blu-ray discs are moderately less painful-sounding, as one BD holds about 25GB of data (dual-layer discs hold 50GB).
Like single-layer SACDs, dual-layer discs are not backward-compatible with conventional CD players.