At one point it was necessary to lower herself down a 100-foot-tall dry waterfall.
There seems to be a dry waterfall at the upper end.
We went on up-canyon past the kids' dam and climbed the bare dry waterfalls that stair-step up to the mesa.
This led to the lip of a dry waterfall covered by a black mass of foliage.
The garden at Tenryū-ji has a real pond with water and a dry waterfall of rocks looking like a Chinese landscape.
Sand swirls in the tomb opening, covering the doorway like a dry waterfall.
Behind the spring was a small, natural ledge, the edge of a dry waterfall.
Rocks cascaded down over the overhang like a dry waterfall.
Suddenly she found herself standing at the edge of a dry waterfall that dropped a hundred feet to the canyon below.
Pulling myself up through a narrow space between two boulders I edged along a rim of rock and then climbed a dry waterfall to the level above.