When the man spoke it sounded like rocks grinding in the dry ravine, ugly like him.
The ridge rose above it to a tabletop bluff dissected by dry ravines.
His face seemed carved with deep, dry ravines.
It would be next to impossible for a living creature to claim a niche in the dead environment of the dry ravine.
The echo of hoof-falls rang in the dry ravine beneath the castle bridge.
He showed us the bypass, a cleverly arranged diversion through a dry, shallow ravine.
A little farther on, in a dry, rocky ravine they reached the cave of five Black Dwarfs.
He is lying up now in the big dry ravine of the Waingunga.
Below them, the hillside dipped at a sharp angle, fell to a dry rocky ravine far below.
Drawing cross fire, the men quickly jumped into the bed of a dry ravine.