Slota has been known for making anti-Roma and anti-Hungarian comments, including a drunken public speech in which he threatened to "get in tanks and level Budapest to the ground".
Or perhaps when the paper refers to "the stories of her old drinking days", it means this spring, when reliable sources report an embarrassingly drunken after-dinner speech from this beloved "Lady Liberty".
At the end of the film, Dean was supposed to make a drunken speech at a banquet; this is nicknamed the 'Last Supper' because it was the last scene before his sudden death.
With the puffed-up scientist standing beside him, Lord Bludd delivered loud, drunken speeches, beating his chest in triumph.
When she is presented with an Oscar, he joins her onstage and, while making a drunken speech, gestures wildly and accidentally strikes her in the face.
Thomsen (Otto Sander), another captain, gives a crude drunken speech to celebrate his Ritterkreuz award, in which he openly mocks Winston Churchill and implicitly Adolf Hitler.
Johnson was sworn in as vice president in March 1865, giving a rambling and possibly drunken speech, and he secluded himself to avoid public ridicule.
Also: Tom's drunken speech when he preps to splash Mammy Two Shoes with water was muted.
The President's drunken speech to the U.N. has become a legend in journalism circles.
It is at the Market Snodsbury Grammar School that, in Right Ho, Jeeves, Gussie Fink-Nottle gives his immortal drunken prize-giving speech.