Consequently he was arrested, but the drunk-driving charges against him were later dropped.
He received a year's probation, violated it in 1996 when he was arrested on a drunk-driving charge, and was jailed for 23 days.
He had not been picked up on a drunk-driving charge since.
Should I have cared if he knew Jack's wife had gotten rung up on a drunk-driving charge?
King was arrested, first on a drunk-driving charge and later for conspiring to organize an illegal boycott.
Stone was arrested on a drunk-driving charge on June 16, 2008.
He faces a hearing on the drunk-driving charge on April 19.
But in more states, a third drunk-driving charge becomes a felony, punishable by time in the state penitentiary.
You're not asking them to bail you out on a drunk-driving charge.
He received one year of probation, then violated it in late 1996 when he was arrested on a drunk-driving charge.