Extra bouncers were required on wrestling night after one woman was nearly attacked in the mud pit by a drunk and horny patron several months back.
The barkeep wanted to know how drunk the patron was.
It has also led to increased complaints about disturbances created by drunk patrons from residents in areas where the retail outlets are situated.
A formidable woman, Belle's as intimidating as the club's bouncers and has had to defend herself against the advances of many a drunk patron.
Many cities have free-ride-home programmes during holidays involving high alcohol abuse, and some bars and clubs will provide a visibly drunk patron with a free cab ride.
When the drunk patrons left the club, O'Banion and his pals would rob them.
After a drunk patron starts a fight, Nickie and Jigger are thrown in jail with Jigger's drummer and bassist.
It goes well until a very drunk patron gets too excited and starts dancing in front of the stage and runs on the stage dancing with The Real Deal.
These drunk patrons are often called "Bierleichen" (German for "beer corpses").