He and his companion and their 8-year-old son also are looking to leave their drug-infested neighborhood behind.
North Lawndale, by contrast, is a sprawling, underpopulated, drug-infested neighborhood.
Poor, drug-infested neighborhoods are the dirtiest areas in the city, but they are hardly alone.
But that is of little solace to people in poor, drug-infested neighborhoods.
Squads of police officers were sent to drug-infested neighborhoods.
New Yorkers from violent, drug-infested neighborhoods understand quite well.
Mrs. Lopez choked back tears of joy last night, saying she wanted to move from the drug-infested neighborhood.
A good education, therefore, is not ruled out by poverty, uneducated parents or crime - and drug-infested neighborhoods.
Starting with the organization of a preservation group for her street, she helped the police in her precinct to clear a drug-infested neighborhood.
Fast, Direct Help Many parents who finish drug treatment are homeless and need to stay out of the drug-infested neighborhoods they came from.