The report said the state was delinquent in more than 20 areas, including specialized foster care placement, drug-abuse treatment for adolescents and families and parent training.
He has arranged alcohol abuse treatment for the mother, and drug-abuse treatment for the 15-year-old son.
To get clean, he left Milwaukee for five months of drug-abuse treatment.
Taylor said he volunteered for drug-abuse treatment a year ago because he was getting irritable and his family was suffering.
Other areas that he said would be considered for St Agnes are pediatrics, geriatrics and drug-abuse treatment.
Her mother is a consultant on alcohol- and drug-abuse treatment at Heritage Hospital in Somerville, Mass.
The agenda included discussions of drug-abuse treatment and prevention, international drug trafficking and countermeasures.
It was a $1 million grant for a center to retrain laid-off military industry workers for new careers in drug-abuse treatment.
Crucial to any improvements in the success of psychiatric treatment, most experts agree, is progress on drug-abuse treatment and prevention.
The high incidence of use of crack also has created a need for drug-abuse treatment.