But a lot of people also use the forest as a party site, a dirt-bike playground, a hideaway for a drug laboratory, or a dump.
"Especially if they've got a drug laboratory set up down there."
In the 40,000 searches conducted across the Caribbean basin, 94 drug laboratories and 197 guns were destroyed.
Yet persistence remains important: Peru has now resumed the fight with an aggressive new campaign against drug laboratories, using American helicopters.
Nearly 600 utility workers in 41 Pennsylvania counties have been organized into a network to tell the police of possible drug laboratories.
The episode opens with three drug dealers making cocaine in a drug laboratory.
Even before last week's arrests, Colombia's police had waged an aggressive campaign to destroy drug laboratories.
It was from a drug laboratory in New York.
The central drug laboratory and provincial quality control laboratories have been strengthened.
Nor has he said whether he would accept the dispatch of United States military forces, as occurred three years ago, to help destroy drug laboratories.