He became a drug informant shortly after a 1985 arrest on charges of possession of cocaine.
Prosecutors and the police are investigating whether Mr. Vasquez is connected to the killing, one day earlier, of a man who investigators say had been the pair's drug informant, several law enforcement officials said.
At a hearing on Tuesday, Mr. Quinones and other F.B.I. agents described going to the Tengs' warehouse after a tip from a drug informant.
He deeded the two parcels to the county as part of a deal in which he agreed to become an undercover drug informant.
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said they had begun an immediate "damage assessment" to determine if secret information had been compromised or if United States drug informants have been placed in danger.
For example, in September 1994, when a Boeing 737 fell out of the sky near Pittsburgh, attention quickly turned to the drug informant on board, who seemed to be an obvious target for assassination.
Nine years after the murder, a drug informant comes forward to police with information on who killed Debi.
Part Deux, Lloyd Henreid in the Stephen King mini series The Stand, and a drug informant in Traffic.
This was no different than what I'd done hundreds of times before with drug informants.
She was sentenced to 10 years probation, on the condition she would work as a drug informant.