Unknown savings on state and county health program costs due to the availability of drug discounts.
Indeed, the Democrats' bill says Medicare beneficiaries shall receive drug discounts comparable to those provided to "large private sector purchasers."
Many retirees already have access to drug discounts, through employer-sponsored health plans or other types of health insurance.
Proposals have ranged from drug discounts to adding people to state-subsidized programs.
All beneficiaries could obtain drug discounts of the type already available to many people who receive private health insurance through their employers.
Private insurers already negotiate drug discounts for Medicare beneficiaries, but Democrats say the government could get a better deal.
That program would use Medicaid, established for low-income people, to obtain drug discounts for those who are not Medicaid-eligible.
Republicans say Medicare could use its purchasing power to negotiate drug discounts averaging 30 percent.
Some states are simply trying to coerce deeper drug discounts for their Medicaid programs than the federally negotiated rate.
Learn more about 50% brand-name drug discounts in 2011.